
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Breaksclusive: Introducing the BlackBerry KickStand!

[ youtube video link for mobile viewing ]

Ok, Ok. For ALL the times I've yelled at Adam Zeis over the years for being lazy and not doing enough creative blogging, I take it all back. Adam knocked it out of the park today with his discovery, no... invention, of the BlackBerry KickStand.

While I was sitting down giving an interview to some nice folks from CBC for a piece they're working on for The National, Adam was sitting bored... twiddling around with his BlackBerry Bold 9930. The eureka moment struck. Turns out if you pull the battery door only halfway off your Bold 9930/9900 and prop it up, it turns into a perfect BlackBerry KickStand. Great for desktop use. Awesome for watching videos. Check out the video above to discover how to set the BlackBerry KickStand up for yourself on your own Bold 9930/9900. Great job Adam!!!

Be sure to follow @breaksclusive on twitter for more amazing breaksclusive discoveries!'s feed sponsored by Breaksclusive: Introducing the BlackBerry KickStand!


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