Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Making Priority Hub work for you

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Making Priority Hub work for you

Back in January we carried out a poll to see whether or not our readers used Priority Hub on BlackBerry 10. I was actually surprised to see that there were more people who didn’t use Priority Hub. It’s a big feature for me and I guess I expected more people to make use of it. I recall tweeting this sentiment after seeing the results and got some replies. Most were saying that they couldn’t stand any unread e-mails in their inbox so they didn’t bother with it.

While I, too, can be a bit anal and don’t like to see unread emails in my inbox before I go to bed, I make sure I read an email and deal with it there and then or flag it for later reading. But there are just some emails that I need to attend to first if not straight away, hence the reason for making use of Priority Hub. I’ll still go through the rest of them at the end of the day.

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