
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

19 PhD student positions in biomedical

Call for Applications

The Graduate School of Molecular Medicine at Kuopio University (Kuopio, Finland) invites applicants for 19 PhD student positions in biomedical sciences with effect from 1.1.2010. Altogether, 12 positions will be covered from the Ministry of Education funds, and the rest from other extramural financial sources.

The positions are for students with a relevant degree in natural sciences, medicine or other suitable background, and who aim at a doctoral degree. The doctoral students will integrate into research groups at the A. I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences or in the Faculty of Medicine into the following projects:

· Baculovirus-based generation of AAV and lentiviral vectors for gene therapy (Prof. Kari Airenne)

· Protein-interaction domains and scaffolding mechanisms in neurodegenerative signalling (Prof. Michael Courtney)

· Association of disturbed polyamine homeostasis with human disease: phenotype characterization of transgenic rodent models with altered polyamine metabolism (Prof. Leena Alhonen)

· Lipid messengers in migraine pain: A multidisciplinary (e.g. imaging/photonics, electrophysiology, molecular biology) approach to study the role of membrane and diffusible lipids in generation of pain signals (Prof. Rashid Giniatullin)

· Development of novel MRI techniques (Prof. Olli Gröhn)

· Genetic and functional characterization of novel risk genes in Alzheimer’s disease: Identification of risk genes involved in Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis by means of molecular genetics and cellular biology (Res. Dir. Mikko Hiltunen)

· Risk factors and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease (Res. Dir. Miia Kivipelto)

· Genetics of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (Acad. Prof. Markku Laakso)

· Design and application of physiologically regulated gene therapy vectors (Adjunct Prof. Anna-Liisa Levonen)

· Small animal in vivo cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy including technical development of the methods and application of developed methods for detection of gene therapy responses in the ischemic myocardium (Dr. Timo Liimatainen)

· Steroid receptors, transcription and chromatin structure (Prof. Jorma Palvimo)

· Imaging in Alzheimer's disease (Prof. Hilkka Soininen)

· Cell physiology of cardiac failure (Res. Dir. Pasi Tavi)

· Nutrigenomics, nutrigenetics, and molecular nutrition (Prof. Matti Uusitupa)

· Bioinformatics, computational biology, functional genomics (Prof. Garry Wong)

· Cardiac angiogenesis and catheter-mediated therapies in large animal ischemia models (Acad. Prof. Seppo Ylä-Herttuala)

· Prevention and treatment of in-stent restenosis in large animal models (Acad. Prof. Seppo Ylä-Herttuala)

· si/miRNA vector development and inhibition of VEGF signaling in cancer (Acad. Prof. Seppo Ylä-Herttuala)

· si/miRNA vector development and utilization of epigenetic mechanisms in the regulation of VEGF effects (Acad. Prof. Seppo Ylä-Herttuala)

Applicants should submit a signed cover letter indicating the three most preferred projects, and including a short description of the skills and a summary of previous research experience. Also required are the curriculum vitae including the list of publications, and two letters of recommendation, true copies of University degree certificate(s) and the transcript of academic records, and any other relevant appendices with which the applicant wishes to demonstrate his/her competence and qualifications to the PhD student position.

The applications should be addressed to the Steering Committee of the Graduate School of Molecular Medicine and delivered (one original and six copies) to: University of Kuopio, Register Office (Kirjaamo), P.O. Box 1627 (street address: Yliopistonranta 1 E; email:, FI-70211 Kuopio by Sep. 30, 2009 at 4:15 pm (local time). Applications and documents included will not be returned.

In case of questions, please contact Coordinator Riitta Keinänen (email:, tel. +358 40 355 2063) or Academy Professor Seppo Ylä-Herttuala, Director of the Graduate School of Molecular Medicine (

The University of Kuopio and the University of Joensuu will form the new University of Eastern Finland starting on Jan. 1, 2010. The A. I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences and the present Faculty of Medicine at Kuopio University will be Departments of the Faculty of Health Sciences located in the Kuopio campus of the University of Eastern Finland.

From: Muhammad Umer Shahzad

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