
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Charity Required

Dear All,

Below is the chain of emails regarding Farash Khan, a school teacher in the village of Panj Pir Swabi. He was shot in the back by dacoits last June, which paralyzed his lower body for the rest of his life. He was the sole bread owner of his family and since this tragedy the family is in desperate need of help. With no source of income, a normal way of life has become a fairy tale for them.

            We are collecting money to provide for them a permanent source of sustenance that would fulfill their basic necessities.

Details of the plan.

· Three sewing machines to help them start an in house  tailor shop

· Cattle for dairy goods, which can be sold or consumed

We aim to collect PKR 95,000 for this purpose.

            Kindly contribute generously for this cause so that a few struggling lives may attain some peace and part from poverty and destitution.

Thanks & Best Regards,

Zahid Nabi



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