
Thursday, June 10, 2010

My boots

My right boot has developed a small hole on the outside near the toe. When I noticed this, I was somewhat saddened, and why not? These boots and I have been through a lot.

I bought my boots just over two years ago. They cost me thirty dollars. (The twenty dollar boots I had purchased before broke in less than a month, so I splurged. Yes, I think thirty dollars for clothing is "splurging.")

These boots probably have several thousand miles on them, and have seen more of life than many people I know. They've seen mountain tops and river beds, sand and snow, and just about everything in between.

The soles of my boot have been worn on the outside edges, because I apparently walk that way. They are pitted, cracked, cut and generally used. These boots have survived more abuse in two years than most people's shoes will ever see.

These boots and I have been through a lot.

When I was hurt in a road accident (couples of year back) , I was wearing these boots. At that time they were fairly new, still mostly clean. When I started to try and find myself, these boots were there. When I discharged from hospital and got another new life , guess what? Yup, these very boots were on my feet. I thought that the meaning to my life was "out there," and when I realized that the truth is only "in here" I wore these boots.

It seems that the more cleansed my soul has become, the worse my boots have gotten. Through all of my trials, and all of the trails I have walked, these boots have been there, faithfully bearing the weight of my soul.

These boots and I have been through a lot.

They have been there for me, no matter where I was, or how I mistreated them. They have kept my feet warm, and clean, and safe, and dry. They have carried me wherever I have wanted to go. They have shod my feet through good times and through bad, in rain, and snow, and sun. Over boulders and sharp stones have they carried me. Can anyone ask for more?

My boot has a hole in it, and I know some of you don't understand. That is all right, you don't need to. Your boots will still carry you. They can carry you wherever you want to go. They can take you anywhere you decide, and they will never complain.

These boots and I have been through a lot, and we will go through so much more. My boot has a hole in it, and I can ask for no better testament to my life. My boot has a hole in it, and I am honored.


From: *~Xcite~*

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