
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sin is In

We all know how to suffer, we do it so well

We lock ourselves in our hearts, like it's some kind of shell

We forget that hearts bruise easily

The blood flows like they do from wounds

We use our hearts like wombs

We dig the thorns in ourselves

We try to scream from the shell called the heart

We weep inside

But somehow, we cannot make our lips part…

These words r from the inside of a sinner, who is nearing his death, which is just a couple of minutes away. His whole life is revolving in front of him like some kind of animated movie. The hands, which he used in all kinds of sins, the eyes, through which he enjoyed all the degraded images of life, the legs, he misused in running after money, pelf, power and pomp, every organ; even each cell of his body is giving up now! Has stopped supporting him and he is left with just guilt and sins…

And the angels of death come, and take away his soul, and that’s his miserable end. Whatever he enjoyed, whatever he made through hooks or crooks, all has remained. He went with just the burden of his wrong deeds.

Respected audience, although my topic for the speech is sin is in, and I could have spoken in favor or against this topic, but why not make u the judges? I will just talk about the sins we commit in our daily lives without even realizing that we have committed a sin and consequently want to make u aware of what r we doing and what we should do.

It reminds me of William Shakespeare, who says and I quote, “It makes a great deal of difference whether one wills not to sin or has not the knowledge to sin. Ignorance is not innocence but sin.”

The three divine religions of this world that are Judaism, Christianity and Islam squarely blame the first two humans for initiating sin. They were living in perpetual happiness and harmony in a world of bliss in the GARDEN OF EDEN, God alone knows for how many centuries past till they ate the fruit of the forbidden tree and committed the ‘original sin’.

The dictionary meaning of sin is “deliberate and purposeful violation of the will of Allah". Which in simple words, means: knowingly and willingly going against nature and breaking the laws set by religious bounds.

As was defined by Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), “sin is that which revolves in your heart and which you do not want people to know.” (Muslim).

Now if we look around we can see furious misdoing of Devine laws and morality and it is very surprising to note that those of us who violate more are turned out to be more respected in society and it is becoming increasingly difficult for right to prevail upon wrong.

As it was said,” Commit a sin twice and it will not seem a crime.”

Ill-gotten wealth instead of being banned is a status symbol these days.

I would like to quote an example of our education sector. We all know and it is no secret that many non-deserving students are holding degrees in their hands with scholarship marks. Alone, they might have not even passed their exams but on the strength of their ill-gotten wealth, they bought their way through and reached places where they never deserved to be! This one sin has a snowball effect but all of us accept it without even raising one eyebrow. We fancy it; we like it and commit it.

It is a buzz these days, in many offices, that Mr. so and so who does not accept bribe is considered to be a hindrance in the chain and the rest of the rogue make the life of that one man miserable that he or she is left with no choice but either to shape up or ship out!

Coop scandal, Mehran Bank debt, Taj company fraud and submarine deals are just a few yet crude examples of the government we have and about the people who lead us, but still they are voted to office, time and time again

In my humble opinion, Television has a major role to play in this. Switch on the TV and a queen of silver screen being penetrated into our minds. Their is no doubt that television has a great power to influence in developing value systems and shaping behaviors but then again TV is not dispensing the good it can or it should. I would put it this way that around the world in every house or apartment their sits a wooden or plastic box. As you switch it on you will start to hear an enjoyable music. A little ballerina will step out and will slowly spin around to entertain you to your entirety - but it also has a demon inside and every day along with this act, it changes your moral values and succeeds, if not in totality, a little bit in breaking them down. Would any sensible person do this? Definitely no! But, we are doing it.

What can I say about these big sins, when even misemployment of one hour is a sin.

The major factor is that we are drifting away from our religion and it has really taken a back seat in our lives. Only if we bear in mind the article of faith that there is only one God who is supreme and eternal, infinite and mighty, creator and provider, there is non-equal to Him, and He is God of all mankind and not of any special race or tribe. God is high and supreme but near to those who are pious and thoughtful believers and grants them peace, happiness, knowledge and success. This transitional life will end one day, which it will. We would be risen from the dead to stand for our final and fair trial, then from Adam to the very last person sent on earth and if have been committing sin, will be caste to hell.

Will we still murder, loot, use drugs, will have pride in our ill-gotten wealth, cheat, steal, be dishonest in our dealings, or define our own dress codes?

No! Not at all: At least a wise man can’t. As was clearly mentioned by Robert Browning, “There is no sin except stupidity.”

I can quote 100s of examples here but coz of the time limitations I have to end my speech and I end my speech with these words, “Don’t ever forget! the time, which came on that sinner I mentioned in the very beginning has to come on each and every sinner and whatever we r, whatever we do, whatever we can be, we should not be one of them”.

Thank u…


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