
Monday, August 15, 2011

BlackBerry Bold 9900 Battery Life: Our Early Observations


I actually had all of this written up as part of the Hardware Analysis > Battery section of our upcoming full review of the BlackBerry Bold 9900, but decided it would serve better as a standalone post (the full review is long enough as it is) so I can just post the summary within the review and link back to it here for those who want the full details. 

I've been charting my Bold 9900 device usage and battery life for five days, as have our own Adam Zeis, Bla1ze and even Miss CrackBerry, and the conclusion on our end so far is that the battery life overall is pretty solid and on par with expectation RIM relayed to us of getting a full day of use out of the battery. Between the four of us we had a pretty good spread of usage cases, from Miss CB being a fairly light user (a lot of
messaging, some phone calls, and some web browsing) to crazy 'ole Bla1ze being on his BlackBerry more than any normal person should, doing just about everything he can think of.

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