
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Foursquare for BlackBerry Updated to 5.2.2 – Nearby Friends View is Back


Foursquare has listened to your feedback, and the nearby friends view is back! Tap the friends icon to switch between all activity and nearby friends. Here’s a rundown of all the updates:

  • The nearby friends view is back
  • Now see local updates from businesses in your friends tab
  • See promoted updates (and specials!) in your Explore tab
  • Small design tweaks and under the hood improvements. It’s faster!

If you already have Foursquare installed on your BlackBerry, simply check the ‘Upgrades’ tab. If it is not listed, try clearing App World’s cache by typing ALT R S T and then search for the upgrade. Otherwise, you can download Foursquare 5.2.2 from App World here.


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