
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Laialtul Qadar

2) Sayyidatuna Ayesha r.a. says: " With the start of the last ten nights of Ramazaan, Nabi Kareem  clip_image001 used to "roll up his sleeves and tighten his waist belt (i.e. to work hard in Ibaadat.) and used to keep awake "all these 10 nights" for worship and he used to keep his family awake also for the same. [Saheeh al-Bukhaari, Hadees No:2024.]
3) Sayyidatuna Ayesha r.a. the mother of the faithful, once asked Allah`s Messengerclip_image001[1] if she happened to get the Lailatul-Qadr [Shab-e-Qadar] what prayer should she say. Rasulullaahclip_image001[2]  replied that she should say the following prayer. [
Sunan at-Tirmizie, Hadees No 3513.]

عني فاعف العغو  تحب كريم   عفو انك اللهم


      It means " O Allah! You are very forgiving and love to forgive, so forgive me.

From: Sajid Umar

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