
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A letter from Allah, Would you not read it?

If any body sends you a letter what will be your first reaction? Will you leave it closed and not read it? Would you not be interested to know what the other person has written? Well, the answer is you would not only be interested in finding out what is written in the letter, rather you will be curious to know it.

Now, suppose the letter contains some words difficult to understand, what would you do? Most likely you will go for a dictionary! But what if the letter contains entirely different language? Indeed, you will seek a person knowing the language to translate it for you.

Well, this was about the letter from a person, just another person out of billions of people in the world. How about the letter being sent to you by Allah? The one and the only, the Lord of the worlds. Would you not be inquisitive to know what this supreme entity has to say to you?

Quran is a letter of Allah to the mankind, which Allah has sent for its guidance. It contains the words of Allah, the message of God, which directly corresponds to every human being, to you, to me, to every one, irrespective of cast or color.

But how do we treat this letter? Do we read it? Do we try to find out what Allah wants to say to us, do we try to get guidance from it, or have we just kept it for respecting, kissing, and then putting it at some high place, wrapping it in beautiful covers.

Is this what it came for?

Some people read Quran in Arabic, and would not read the translation. Reciting Quran in Arabic no doubt, has its own fazeela, (importance and advantages), but along with this, it is very essential to go through the meaning, so that one can know what exactly the ayaats mean and what exactly Allah is saying to us.

There are people who say,

We would recite Arabic but we wont read the Translation, because it is very difficult to understand Quran. It is for the great scholars to understand the meaning of the Quran and not the normal people, therefore, we must avoid reading translation or else we can go astray.

My question to these people is, If Quran can make them go astray, then what in the world can take them to Hidaaya (the right path)? If anyone says that Quran is not for a normal person to understand, then He/she negates this Ayah,

And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: then is there anyone that will receive admonition?

(Sura Al-Qamar, Ayah 40)

The people who think of understanding and pondering over the Quran as a job of scholars only, confuse Islam with other religions, in which, only the religiously high-cast people can read the religious scriptures, and it is forbidden for the lower-cast to do so.

Yet there is another group that says,

We wont read the translation, if we would, then we would become aware of what Allah has said to us, so then, it would become obligatory for us to follow the instructions.

I think for these people the two Ayahs of Quran are enough, (yet there are many more),

1:- We have sent down to you clear signs (ayat); and none reject them but

those who are wicked.

(Surah Al-Baqara, Ayah 99)

2:- Those who keep on being blind in this world will be blind in the

Hereafter, and yet most astray from the Path.

(Surah Al-Israa (bani-israel),Ayah 72)

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