
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

How to find a lost BlackBerry 10 device using BlackBerry Protect

It’s a situation no one wants to encounter but, in the event you can’t find your BlackBerry 10 device, here are four things you will want to know:

  1. How to verify BlackBerry Protect and Location Services are enabled
  2. How to find your device on a map
  3. How to make your device play a sound so it can found
  4. How to display a lock screen message with your contact information and lock the device using a new password

Let’s get started!

Tip: Using BlackBerry OS? If so, check out our post on how to find a lost BlackBerry OS smartphone using BlackBerry Protect

Verify BlackBerry Protect is enabled on your device

To locate your device on a map using BlackBerry Protect, you must ensure BlackBerry Protect and Location Services are turned on.

Location Services in particular must be enabled if you would like to view your devices location on a map using the BlackBerry Protect website.

  1. On the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen
  2. Tap 1031-Settings Settings > BlackBerry Protect
  3. Turn on the BlackBerry Protect switch
  4. Tap Classic-Back Back
  5. Tap Location Services
  6. Turn on the Location Services switch
How to view your BlackBerry device’s approximate location

If you cannot find your device you can use the BlackBerry Protect website to locate it on a map. There are two things to keep in mind though when attempting to do this.

The first is that if your device is inside a building, underground, or otherwise blocked from receiving a GPS signal, BlackBerry Protect might not be able to locate your device.

The second is BlackBerry Protect cannot locate devices that are turned off or disconnected from the wireless network. In other words, unless the device is turned on, and has a data connection via the mobile network, or a Wi-Fi network, BlackBerry Protect cannot communicate with the device.

Assuming the device has a wireless connection, and is in area with satellite coverage complete the following steps to view its location on a map:

  1. Browse to
  2. Login using your BlackBerry ID
  3. Within My Device, click View Location


How to make your BlackBerry 10 device play a sound

After locating your device using the View Location option, if you are still having trouble finding your device use the Play Sound option.

While signed into, click Play Sound and your device will ring loudly for 60 seconds so you can find it.

To stop the ringing, on the right side of your device, press the Volume Down key.

How to display a message on a lost BlackBerry 10 device

In addition to searching for its location using the BlackBerry Protect website, consider displaying a message that can be read by anyone who finds your device, as well as setting device password if you don’t already have one set.

This will allow whoever finds your device to contact you, while also ensuring they don’t have access to the contents of your device.

Assuming you are signed into, click Display a Message, enter a message and if you did not have a device password set previously, enter a password that will be used to unlock your device.

If you had set a device password before misplacing your device, you can change your current password if needed using the Lock Device option.

Hopefully these tips can help you locate, and secure your misplaced device!

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