
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Request for Donation for 3 Widowed Sisters - Project Complete!

Update (17-12-2016): Floor is complete and gas cylinder has been purchased.

Update (27-11-2016): Alhumdulillah, the house is complete, the families have shifted in their new house and they are very happy. jazakAllah khair for your donations.

Update (19-10-2016): Alhumdulillah, we have been able to gather Rs 150,000, contributed by several Pakistanis from KSA and Kuwait. inshAllah we will be able to complete the house with this amount.

Update (16-10-2016): Roof has been built:

Update (09-10-2016): Alhumdulillah, construction is going on, inshAllah, the roof, windows, doors, etc. will be completed with previous donation money. We are now looking for another Rs. 100,000 for the completion of the house. PFB latest Pictures:

Update (29-06-2016): Alhumdulillah, we have been able to gather Rs 420,168.21 so far, contributed by several Pakistanis from UK, UAE, Kuwait, KSA & Pakistan and Indians from KSA.

Originally Posted on 1st June 2016:

These 3 aged widowed sisters with their old widowed mother and children (total 12 people) are living together in a rented place. They have a very limited source of income, which is generated by working as maids in houses and doing embroidery at home. The situation reaches to the point when they don't have anything to eat for a day or two.

Eldest sister has 4 daughters aged b/w 15 to 25 years, all unmarried.

Middle sister has no children.

Youngest sister is suffering from diabetes, hypertension & depression. She has 6 daughters and 1 abnormal son, aged b/w 10 to 22 years, 3 daughters have been married on donations, 3 daughters are unmarried.

My father took the responsibility for building their house:
  • A Pakistani from Saudi Arabia donated 5 Marla plot, which cost Rs. 500,000.
  • A Pakistani from the USA has donated Rs. 100,000, which has been used for the construction of the foundations of the house. Used bricks have been used to optimize costs.
  • Another Pakistani from Pakistan is paying for the water well and water motor.

Now for the construction of 1 room, 1 bathroom and 1 verandah, Rs. 300,000 are required, which is the bare minimum for their shifting to this house.

For the construction of the complete house, additional Rs. 200,000 will be required.

If you would like to donate any money, it will be given to my father and he will himself spend it on the construction of the house, to avoid any misuse.

Donations can be made through following channels:
  • In cash to me
  • In cash to my father
  • In a KSA Bank Account
  • In a Pakistani Bank Account
  • Via PayPal

Plz let me know which option suits you and I will share the details accordingly.


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