
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Your Dark Side...

To acquire followers, there can be two types of Power:
  • The Power of Money
  • The Power of Leadership

The power of money requires a constant stream of money to maintain and increase their followers, whereas the power of leadership requires a constant demonstration of leadership. The followers following a leader develop a belief, thus they grow quicker because like a chain reaction they start convincing others to follow the belief they are following, whereas the followers getting money are afraid to lose their share of money if more followers join.
But the power of leadership also develops a set of people, a group, who with time starts following their leader blindly. Even when their leader stops being worthy of a leader, they keep their minds focused on finding ways to think positive about him, they will keep on trying to bring more followers and keep on defending their leader in front of others and within themselves, this happens mainly due to two reasons:
  1. They stop thinking and analyzing, they stop the accountability of their thoughts.
  2. They develop a fear. All those years they stood by someone or an idea, they stood against all the odds to defend it, they tried to convince so many people about their belief, now they are afraid to be proven wrong, not only in front of others but also within themselves. It's like getting out of their comfort zone, which they developed with so much passion. It's like closing all doors and windows and forcing yourself to stay away from light.

That's why The Power of Leadership is much more dangerous and historically has harmed humankind a lot more than The Power of Money.

The moment you stop thinking, your dark side overcomes you...


Your Dark Side...
To acquire followers, there can be two types of Power: The Power of Money The Power of Leadership   The power of money requires a constant stream of money to maintain and increase their followers,
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