Tuesday, December 18, 2012

How to check your Traffic Violation in Saudi Arabia–Step by Step Guide with Snapshots

1. Go to https://www.moi.gov.sa and choose ‘English’ from upper left corner.



2. Click on ‘E-Services’ from top panels, it is the right most panel.



3. Click on ‘Traffic’.



4. Click on ‘Query Traffic Violations’.



5. Enter your Iqama Number in ‘ID Number’ field and Number code from below in ‘Enter Image Code’ and click on ‘View’. (Example given below)



6. This will show you your total number of violations and their total amount.



7. You can pay this amount online using your Bank account website. All major Banks’ websites provide a section for ‘Government Payments’ (Sadad Service). Under this you can find ‘Traffic Violations’ section and enter required details and pay the money online.

8. After 1 hour of payment, you can repeat from Step 1 again to confirm that there is no more amount left against your Iqama number.

9. If you are not already registered to Traffic Violation SMS alerts (notifications) than its method is given on this link: http://www.saher.gov.sa/e_Ticket-information.aspx

10. You can also read other important information about Traffic Laws on this link http://www.saher.gov.sa/e_Default.aspx

11. If you already have Violation Number with you then you can check the details of that particular Violation by clicking on ‘Public Query Traffic Violation & Objection Claim’.



12. Enter your Iqama Number in ‘ID Number’ field, Violation Number in ‘Violation ID’ field and Number code from below in ‘Enter Image Code’ and click on ‘View’. (Example given below)



13. This will show you the details of that particular Violation. If the details are in Arabic then copy paste them on http://translate.google.com to translate it into English(or any other language).



14. To check the location where the violation happened go to http://www.rt.gov.sa/saher-.php . This website is in Arabic and English version doesn’t exists yet so I will guide you where to put what to get to the required info.



15. In the first field enter your Violation Number and in the second field enter your Iqama Number and click on the button.

16. You will see information in Arabic at top, scroll down and you would see information in English. If you want to translate Arabic then copy paste it on http://translate.google.com to translate it into English(or any other language).





  1. could u please explain how to find the location of the traffic violation in the new beta version of the MOI site

    1. u need to login 1st, after that eServices -> Traffic -> Traffic Violations Information


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