Friday, January 21, 2011

Review: TXTLater for BlackBerry


Confucius once said, "...The weakest ink is better than the strongest memory." And if you are anything like me...

  • Forgot to call family or friends on that special day?
  • That important email the boss wanted you to forward to your clients...ever slipped your mind?
  • Missed an important conference call just because you forgot all about the time zone difference?
  • Needed to send a calendar entry with appointment information to remind somebody about the upcoming meeting, 4 hours before the meeting starts (i.e. CES meet the CrackBerry team fronting the Bellagio fountains)

If you answered, "yes" to even one of these questions, then TXTLater is worth looking into. Read on for my thoughts on this very helpful app. Decide if you need the help of TXTLater like I did!

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