Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Web Browser Shootout: BlackBerry 7 on the Bold 9930 vs. BlackBerry 6 on the Bold 9780!

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[ youtube video link for mobile vewing ]

Following up our BlackBerry Bold Touch Hands-On and NFC Demo videos, we decided it was time to put the newly-announced BlackBerry Bold Touch up against the good ole BlackBerry Bold 9780 to see how things stack up in the web browsing department.

With its 1.2GHz processor and running BlackBerry 7, RIM tells us the browsing experience is approximately 30% faster than the BlackBerry 6 browsing experience on current in-market devices. Part of this is performance is obviously due to the increased processing power, but beyond that RIM says they have done a lot of work on the browser to further enhance it and it's just going to keep getting better. One of the things they have worked hard on is to really minimize the "checkerboarding" or "tiling" that can occur on mobile devices when scrolling down a web page. It definitely appears like RIM has succeeded here. Once a page is fully loaded on the Bold 9930, it's actually really difficult to get any sort of checkerboarding to happen - the scrolling is fast!

During our shootout we definitely saw the 30% improvement to hold true. Check out the video above to see the comparison for yourself. All I know is that as much as I love my Bold 9780, I can't wait to ditch it in favor of the 9900. 

CrackBerry.com's feed sponsored by ShopCrackBerry.com. Web Browser Shootout: BlackBerry 7 on the Bold 9930 vs. BlackBerry 6 on the Bold 9780!

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