On Friday 26th, BBM was updated for BlackBerry, iOS and Android. A lot of people ran into issues with the update and today we see an update pushed out to fix those issues. If you have been having some problems with BBM since the update, it would be wise to update to this latest version. |
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
BlackBerry pushes out a bug fix update for BBM
Run Sheeda Run- Lahori Rush - Android App on Google Play
From: Khurram Mahmood Chaudry
Monday, June 29, 2015
Find LinkedIn Profiles with Google Search
LinkedIn, the largest network of professionals in the world, is also the favorite hunting ground for recruiters and staffing agencies. Whether you are looking for a list of college students who are currently interning at Facebook or a head hunter building a pool of presumptive candidates, LinkedIn will not disappoint. LinkedIn has a useful search function to help you find potential candidates but do you know that Google search can also help to find people on LinkedIn. Google indexes every public profile of LinkedIn and if you perform people search on LinkedIn via Google, you get a few additional features:
LinkedIn Scraper with Google SearchOK, let’s take a look at how we can search LinkedIn profiles with the help of Google. Say you are trying to find people for senior position who are based in New York area. Here’s how we’ll construct the Google search query. 1. Show LinkedIn profiles but exclude internal LinkedIn search pages: site:linkedin.com/in/ OR site:linkedin.com/pub/ -intitle:profiles -inurl:"/dir" 2. Find LinkedIn profiles of people who have senior positions: "head | vp | vice-president | senior | director" site:linkedin.com/in OR site:linkedin.com/pub -intitle:profiles -inurl:"/dir" 3. Find matching LinkedIn profiles who are based in NY (wild card search) "Location * New York" "head | vp | senior | director" site:linkedin.com/in OR site:linkedin.com/pub -intitle:profiles -inurl:"/dir You can further refine search results by adding the domain (like Sales & Marketing) or even the company name to limit your search to executives of a particular organization. Find LinkedIn Profiles by Post CodeGoogle search supports number ranges meaning you can search pages that contain numbers within a specific range. For instance, if you say “apples 1900..2000″ on Google, it will show matching pages that contain any number before 1900 and 2000. We can extend the same trick to perform LinkedIn people search on Google. To give you an example, the pin code of Delhi is something like 110049. So if you are looking for web developers in the Delhi area on LinkedIn, you search query would be something like: "web developer" 110001..110099 site:linkedin.com/in One more thing. A search query like site:linkedin.com will perform a global search. However, you can use country specific sub-domains in LinkedIn to only show candidates from a particular country. For instance, site:uk.linkedin.com/in web-developer will find LinkedIn profiles from UK while site:ca.linkedin.com/in will only look for candidates that have set thir region as Canada. Also see: Stop broadcasting your LinkedIn profile updates
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Saturday, June 27, 2015
BBM Update: Control What You Share, With Confidence
Starting today, an update to BBM packed full of new features and improvements is rolling out for BlackBerry 10, Android and iOS. If you’re a BBM user, then you already know that BBM is the best way to confidently share private moments with friends. Sending a timed picture that self-destructs, or retracting a message that was meant for one of your other friends, gives you control and peace of mind. But what happens if the person you’re chatting with takes a screenshot? My coworker Zach looks like he’s already planning to fake being sick tomorrow. Not wanting to get stuck with all the work, I took a screenshot of his plan. Despite Zach sending me a timed message, I can still capture it. And although Zach gets notified that I took the screenshot, the damage is already done. Yikes poor Zach! Zach should have used the new Private Chat View original 293 more words |
Friday, June 26, 2015
Muslim World Network
Assalaam O Alaikum,
Alhamdulillah, what we have seen the reversion to Islam is fast in the World & all so called reverted Muslims getting closed to Islam & learning/gaining knowledge whereas we the Muslims by birth still trust the priesthood which is prohibited in Islam. Allah says "Iqra", we must all read & learn.
We have taken up a small effort to provide a platform of learning & unite Muslims at http://network.muslimworldnet.org where you find the following tools:
We are sponsoring Christian/Jews groups like “yahoo group”, “Google group” etc. due to ignorance.
A dedicated IT group has already developed a FREE Platform for Muslim Ummah at http://network.muslimworldnet.org where you can register and form your own group and email all members with one click plus you can create your own event, get RSVP, publish classified within group, all free of cost.
You can create your group in English, French, Arabic or Urdu, the language you select.
It has built-up a heavy library of eBooks. For example, you can see Ibn Katheer tafseer of 5698 pages book at http://network.muslimworldnet.org/index.php?page=files§ion=view&file_id=101394 and many more books...
You can also upload your books to this eBooks library.
It can provide the following additional tools:-
1. Islamic Networking so that we don't have depend on other community for networking.
2. Live streaming so that the scholars can do live streaming on religious & scientific lectures which can be watched on computers. In another one month time, the same can be streamed & viewed at smart phones, Insha Allah (it is under development). We also provide live Chat while streaming. So that viewer can ask questions to scholars & scholar can watch the live chat & reply during or after lecture.
3. Live Video Conferencing for 5 and above to do Fikhr as Allah swat has ordained.
4. Instant audio or video call to members (each other).
5. Uploading & viewing of video files as that of "you tube", "Vimeo" etc.
5. Uploading & hearing of Audio files.
6. Uploading & reading of digital books, files etc.
7. Forming of Masajid & Organization groups so that the Administrator can send emails to all members with one click. This aspect is very important as all members will be together and with one click emails can be sent to them. At present we are depending on “yahoo group” & “google group” etc.
8. Creating of events in the group like functions, fundraisers & dinner for members.
9. Get the RSVP list prepared automatically on acceptance by members so that Group Admin knows about the attendees.
10. Publish classified Ads within group or for entire world, like sale of property/land etc.
11. External links of Islamic websites & many more....
Please note all the above is free to Muslim Ummah.
In addition we provide News Media service at http://ummahlink.org where all members can voluntarily report News via http://ummahlink.org/wp-admin. We provide ID & password.
Please don't forget to register at http://network.muslimworldnet.org which is free and send to your friends/contacts.
Jazakallahu Khairan
From: Major Mir Ali (Retired)
Thursday, June 25, 2015
BlackBerry Maps updated with stability and performance improvements
If you're running an official BlackBerry 10 OS, you should now be able to load up BlackBerry World and grab the latest update to BlackBerry Maps. According to the changelog, this release doesn't add any new features but instead focuses on stability and performance improvements for the app on the whole. |
Amazon Appstore offers over $50 worth of Android apps and games for free
Amazon's latest giveaway in the Amazon Appstore includes over $40 of paid content for free now through July 1. Titles in this promotion include The Bard's Tale, Exiles Weather Live and many more. Here's the full list of apps in this latest offer: |
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Send Tweets with Rich-Text Formatting using TallTweets
You can post messages of virutally any length to Twitter using TallTweets. The web app bypasses the 140 character limit of Twitter by either converting your tweet into a PNG image or by breaking the long snippets of text into multiple tweets and sending them all in quick succession. Amitabh Bachchan, Bollywood’s biggest star, once recommended it too. Compose Tweetstorms & TweetshotsA new release of TallTweets has just been rolled out and it includes several new features and enhancements. The interesting additions are:
To get started, go the Tall Tweets website and sign-in with your Twitter account. Next choose the tweet style (tweetstorm for text tweets, tweetshot for image tweets), compose the tweet and then hit the Send button. The TallTweets website is mobile-friendly so you can should be able to send tweets from your mobile and tablets as well. On the technical side, TallTweets uses an HTML5 library to convert text into images in the client’s browser itself.
Can I Upgrade my Computer to Windows 10 for Free?
Windows 10, the latest version of Windows, will be released on 29th July. The new Windows OS has received rave reviews from people who are currently testing it as part of the Windows Insider program but there has been some confusion around the upgrade path. Will you be eligible to download a free upgrade of Windows 10 or will you have to pay for the license?
Who Can Download Windows 10 for Free?This quick flowchart breaks it down in simple English. If you have a computer that is running a genuine copy of Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, you will get a free upgrade license of Windows 10. If you are running a pirated copy of Windows, or if you have Windows Vista or XP installed on the machine, you’ll buy a new license for Windows 10 and perform a clean install. The Windows 10 Home license will be $119.99 while the Windows 10 Pro version would cost $199.99. If you would like to try Windows 10 but without affecting your existing Windows installation, you can join the Windows Insider program, download the Windows 10 ISO and install it as a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox. These preview builds will however expire after some time and the fresh builds are automatically installed as and when they become available. You can follow the official Windows blog to learn more about the upcoming Windows 10 release or join the Windows Insider program to download and use the Windows 10 beta before it is generally available.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Quran Tilawat - Android App on Google Play
Saturday, June 20, 2015
How to get a Postal Address (Wasel Aalami) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - Step by Step Guide (Updated)
Originally Posted on Saturday, March 1, 2014:
KSA did not have an established mailing system through which you could get a mail or parcel sent to your home. To get a mail you had to open a PO box in your nearest Saudi Post office and you would have to check it by physically visiting it regularly, if you are expecting a mail. So it was not convenient and kind of strange for expats because like for me, I have been receiving letters at my home since I learned how to write and send a letter, back in Pakistan.
Yesterday when I was visiting the Saudi Post section in Janadriyah Festival, I came to know about a new service which has been introduced by Saudi Government and is called Wasel Aalami. If you would like to know more about Janadriyah Festival you can visit this link: Event: Janadriyah Annual Heritage & Culture Festival 29 (2014) (Updated)
Through this service you can get a recognized mailing address for your home FREE of charge. The people available there were very helpful, one guy knew English and he guided and translated the process for me. They registered me for this service and I got my mailing address, you can do the following to get this service:
- Visit http://www.locator.com.sa/locator/Default_E.aspx and choose your Region from the Drop Down Menu on the left.
- Then choose your city and District from the Drop Down Menus. The map on the right will zoom accordingly.
- Now find your building on the map by navigating and zooming the map, once you are sure about your building, note down its four digit number. This is your Building Number.
urShadow's Blog: Find out Address of any Building in Saudi Arabia through this Mobile App - Saudi Locatorhttp://naumankhan.blogspot.com/2015/04/find-out-add… View Now
- Now you have to visit the nearest branch of Saudi Post for the registration of Wasel Aalami, you can find the nearest branch on the same map
- Upon arriving the Saudi Post, seek for the appropriate counter, it would have this symbol:
- Provide them with you Building Number, Floor and Apartment Number, Mobile Number, Iqama Number and they will perform the registration and will provide you with print out which would contain your complete postal mailing address details. You would receive an SMS for the registration confirmation but the SMS might be in Arabic.
- This paper would also contain Wasel Aalami number, which you can use for Free Shipment from Amazon.com.
Update(20-06-2015): Saudi Post has recently renovated their website and there is no English section in it at the moment, I am hopping that they will launch it soon, I have asked them this question on social media, lets see if they respond. That’s why the following links are not working.
- Now once you are back home, verify your address by visiting this link: http://www.sp.com.sa/English/Eservices/Pages/CheckNewPostalAddress.aspx
- Enter the information from the print out in the appropriate fields and press ‘Submit’.
- If you are registered in the system then it should show you the following msg:
Address is valid. You can carry out correspondences through:
- That’s it, you can provide this address to the sender and you would receive the mail at your door steps.
- The items which are not allowed through this service:
- You can find more details about this service on http://www.sp.com.sa/English/saudipost/productsservices/pages/myaddressinus.aspx
If you would like to know how to send Cargo through Saudi Post then you can visit this link: Cargo Service from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to anywhere in Pakistan