Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Guide to Professionals Seeking Job Opportunities

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Employment Committee

Pakistan Professionals Forum


Entry-Level Resumes – Points to keep in Mind

A curriculum vita (or CV) is an essential document in applications for academic employment. Persons applying for teaching or research positions are expected to submit a CV along with detailed letters of application and other supporting materials.

Differences between a CV and a resume

Some people erroneously use the term ‘CV’ and ‘resume’ interchangeably but in actual fact the two are different. The curriculum vitae format is not appropriate for job searches outside of academia. Resumes concisely focus more on certain types of experience and skills in a manner that is appealing to employers outside the academic realm.


A curriculum vitae is typically much longer and more detailed than a resume. The CV generally ranges from two to dozens of pages in length, depending upon the extent of one's research record. A resume on the other hand should be one or two pages only.


Rather than focusing on your coursework and research, resumes highlight practical work experience and skills

Format and categories to include

You want the vita to present you in the best possible light with regard to the position for which you are applying. In general, include any and all information that is pertinent to your qualifications for the position. The format and categories used on vitas can vary among academic disciplines, institutions, and positions so we recommend working closely with a graduate advisor in your specific academic department with regard to the details of your curriculum vitae.


Highlight Your Education First
This is likely the number one reason you are a qualified candidate. Even if you have not completed a degree, the courses you have taken gives you skills that make you a good job candidate. Describe the coursework you have completed, papers you wrote, and computer skills you have developed.

As your career progresses, you will change the format of your resume to emphasize work experience more.

For academic or medical positions, a curriculum vitae (which focuses on study) is appropriate regardless of whether you're a recent graduate or seasoned professional.

Courses and Academic Projects

Some courses are more applicable than others – let this determine the emphasis and placement of the info. For example, lab work or independent projects you completed for science courses is very relevant for those applying toward biotech companies whereas if you’re a sociology major applying for a financial services job, your classroom work will be less relevant.

If your GPA is exceptional (3.0 or better), make note of it -- Otherwise leave it off

Mention Curriculum Highlights
If you were on the dean's list, graduated with honors, received a scholarship, were a member of any professional associations, played sports or participated in other activities, mention it.


Many recent grads worry that they don’t have worthwhile experience to list on your resume. Employers however are interested to see internships, volunteering, school activities, and other non-traditional work on entry-level resumes. Don’t sell yourself short by discounting your experience.


Internships are especially important - list these prominently (put them at the top of your resume unless you have other, more relevant experiences to place ahead of it). Internships show that you are familiar

with a professional environment and that you've been actively exploring your career options.

Although many internships involve less-than challenging work you want to state things in a positive tone and to emphasize your transferable skills.

Volunteer Work

Don't hesitate to list unpaid volunteer work on your resume. It’s perfectly legitimate to list unpaid positions.

Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular experiences can be valuable, particularly if you occupied a leadership position. Be sure to show links to skills the current job requires. (i.e. from athletics there are teamwork skills. From performing or fine arts there are communication skills, creativity, and the ability to meet deadlines. From other philanthropic work there might be leadership, organizational, and self-management skills).

Summer Jobs
Don't underestimate your less glamorous summer jobs. Pick out the transferable skills. Camp counselor may not seem like a big deal to you, but it shows potential employers that you were developing communication and relationship-building skills.


Many students distinguish paid from unpaid work on their resumes. However, there is nothing wrong with listing all types of experience under one heading.

You may also include extracurricular activities and volunteer work under your experience heading, but be certain to distinguish between those that are and are not relevant to your job search. Consider dividing your experiences into “Related Experience” and “Other Experience”. If you have a significant number of relevant academic experiences, you may want to include a section entitled, “Related Academic Experience.”

A laundry list of past duties is not enough -- you need to demonstrate how you positively impacted the environment you were a part of. It will separate you from the pack.

The temptation to stretch the truth can be great. If you get caught in a lie you can be terminated with no questions asked and no eligibility for unemployment benefits.

Have someone proofread your resume -- A mistake on your resume can take you out of the running instantly.

Get recruitment professionals to review and critique your resume and cover letter.

Sample CVs / Resumes


Your Name


Phone Numbers, Email Address


Ph.D., Date, Name of University, Thesis Title, Mentor

Master Degree, Date, Name of University, Thesis Title, Mentor

Bachelor Degree, Date, Name of University, Thesis Title, Mentor


List in chronological order (start with most recent experience)

Note where appropriate, names of mentors or research advisors


State briefly in one or two sentences


List offices held (if any), type of activity, organisation and dates involved

Start with most recent activities


List in alphabetical order or in order of most importance


List all that you have completed or that you are in the process of completing


List significant ones that you have completed or that you are in the process of completing


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