Thursday, June 10, 2010


history and the pre survey

after the independence of Pakistan ,our leader quaid-e-azam,visited risalpur in 1948.he reviewed an airforce parade and then visited the mess where a he met the rest of the officers and encouraged them. despite of his failing health and extreme physical health he stood erect through out the proceedings,acknowledging the salute of the various formations .he addressed the airforce parade he had said,

"a country without a strong airforce is at mercy of an aggressor. Pakistan must build up her airforce as quickly as possible. it must be an efficient airforce, second to none."

it was then and now its been 50years of independence and we have got about G- just passed out . things have been changed .our airforce is now more stronger and our officers are even more talented and successful in putting their all hardwork for their country's prosperity and safety.
28 may,1998 Pakistan went for the nuclear test and changed the future way of technology. the PAF has a vital stake in the view development and no doubt it will, as always,rise to the occasion.the fact of the matter is that the introduction of nuclear weapons in sub continental politics will be a major factor in the formation of stragies as we enter the new millennium and a major landmark in the life of the nation.
a decade earlier , afateful event had altered,C-130 crashed, under clearly suspicious circumstances...general ziaul haq,the president of pakistan was killed amoung with others on board in 1988.after that paf has to adapt new set of leaders and the inquiry team was highly engaged in the matter to sort out the reason for the un usual crash.its the most tragic event and is always kept in mind and making the security more advance and trustable.

in march1988,air chief marshal hakimullah assumed command of thepaf.there were several events the preceding years, when air chief marshal jamal a.khan was at the helm of affairs,which were very significant and had their due impact on the air force in the subsequent years.paf had proded itself on the credo of its professionalism,single-minded devotion to fulfilment of its assigned role in the defense of the country,and on nuturing the traditions of integrity of character,dedication to service,and selfishness.
then its magnificent role in afghanistan war era is also one of the important event of the decadein 1979.

looking at the future and the challenges inductins in aircrafts have been made and even in the field of engineering facing towards new challenges by learning from the past experiences and accidents.more projects in collaboration with chinese and australia for upgrading the mirages ,k-8,f -7and a-5s.

the paf has mintained its professional image through out its existence.officers and men of the force are proud inheritors of a legacy of worriors who have left a permanent imprint on history .there have been ups and downs for the service during the decade .but it was always sure of sorting out the situations in every possible way to get out of it .

The New Inductions

The f-7M was first evaluted by the PAF in early 1987.The evalution included both air-to-air as well as air-to ground performance.For that purpose,two aircraft were ferried to pakistan and trails conducted at Peshawar and Masroor.In order to support the fleet an overhauling facility had to be established in Pakistan.This facility is expensive in China.PAF has decided to set up this facility at Faisal.The CATIC team came to Pakistan thrice but could only suggest the installation of independent test bed .Later on Air Headquaters worked on it and it was done after three months very effectively by help of our Engineers .They are still working on new inductions as the era demands the new technology and new ways of defence .

On 25 April 1990,the Australian defence minister announced the sale of fifty used mirages fighters and spares Pakistan for A$36 million.The media exposed the unknown story about this selling.India has got it all wrong and try to put hardles in the way and calling it an Kashmir propoganda.Later on the matter was solved by sending the co-assignment to pakistan.Total 50 mirages mirages received from Australia,PAC kamra had recovered 45. In 1992, PAF had a genuine concern over out the gap that would be created by the phasing out of the A-5's in 1997 and purchasing mirages.In order to have a reliably assess the physical condition of theses mirages,Paf team visited Spain,France, and Lebanon,while the Air Attache in Paris was asked to inspect the Belgium aircraft.On 25 May 1995, after a post-visit presentation to Air Board,The Chief of Air Staff approved the formation of a project team to manage all aspects related to cost effective induction of about forty mirages in the PAF fleet.

The Karakorum-8 (K-8) aircraft ia a joint venture of Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) Kamra, and China Aerotechnology Import and Export Corporation (CATIC).The K-8 project commended in 1983 when replacement of the T-37 basic trainer fleet was contemplated for the first time.In 1984, the Pac negotiated with CATIC to co- design and co-develop a basic jet trainer aircrafts.For this purpose, the L-8 aircraft was selected and renamed Karakorum-8.An agreement was finalized and signed in 1986.
Another 4 years were consumed in establish ing the design and performance parameters of teh air craft that satisfied the Chinese and the PAF requirements.The first prototype K-8 flew in november 1990.Test flights form jan 1990 to may 1992, to verify its performance.Then joint sales and marketing agrement was signed in april 1993.And a contract to purchase 6 aircrafts was signed in 1993.The k-8's were set for the training aircrafts in Risalpur Academy in october 1994.

The Inductions of f 7-p

*PAF"s F-7P"skybolt" was improved
*F-7P's 13,450lb thrust makes it an excellent fighter
*F-7P's were hired from china in 1998
*Added a effective( italian FIAT + pakistan KARF)redar facility
*The last batch of forty F-7's was inducted on cost-effective contract.

The Induction of mirages-2000:In 1981 Specialist visited France to carry out a detailed evaluation of mirages.The second evaluation,carried out by a PAF team in 1985,revealed that redar continued to have only a marginal capability against low flying aircraft.Third was in 1987 when according to force structure programme F 16 was preferred over mirages.Then the french decided that mirage-2000E would not be salable untill improved .

The evaluation phase was in november 1994 and completed in february1996.After evaluation , the aircaft was considered fit for training pilots. For further evaluation , a flying instructor course was conducted on k-8.Later these successful officers joined the K-8's evaluation team. The evaluation and improvement of K-8's did not stop.All the modification were and being done in AMF Kamra and the flight was also carried out armaments trails on k-8's at Minhas base.

The Inductions of Mirages

The Induction of k8's


Keeping The Machines Flying...........

Adaptation and Innovation:


Reasearch and development are the parents of technology and over the centuries they have proved to be very active and fertile.Today the technology has no limits.-------------it is now making its way into the secrets of far away galaxies.Almost each and every living soul inthis planet is beholden to technology in its present configuration and utility. it has become the need of all individuals, all organisations and all countries of the world. The PAF had to rely on the genius of its personnel to cope with very exacting situations.Thanks to their efforts, the paf has managed to carry out a lot of impossible repairs and precise upgradations,a nd it has a number of creative innovations to its credit in various types of air and ground equipment.

The Engineering Branch in the PAF has undergo major changes and improvements during the last decade and this has helped achieve great progress in engineering activities.New maintenance concepts and facilities have been introduced and the training systems have been revamped.These have brought about an improvement practices, and the availability of spares has become smooth and faster.The adoption of more direct communication means has sharply reduced the frequent delays in maintenance, and that in turn has resulted inhigher states of readiness.The use of computers in day-to-day maintenance has also raised the PAF's responsiveness and it has enabled the Engineering Branch to achieve a higher degree of professional competence.

  PAF has worked hard on the maintenance and adding more advancements to their work.PAC KAMRA is working on upgrading the quality system.For this purpose they start a campaign to upgrade the quality system to ISO standards .Only a few organisations, and none from the defence industry,had initiated this programme.The MRF was the first defence industrial unit in Pakistan to get ISO-9000 certificate , in September 1995.The Acievement of ISO-9000 certification is the beginning of a new journey for PAC.





The Organization &Administration

Organization and administrative changes are normal features of any dynamic organization and so it is with the PAF. Being a forward-looking and vibrant force, the PAF readily adapts to positive changes. When a problem in the field or headquarters level affects the operational effectiveness of  the PAF, it is referred to the Air Board, where senior leadership of the PAF examines and deliberates on the possible solutions. While input from the field is invariably given due weightage, The problem is resolved through the collective wisdom of the leadership





Two Different departments traditionally handled the human resources management in the PAF. Its kind of scattered management system, the concept of a centeralized Human Resource Management system was introduced,combining all the personnel management departments under the DCAS (personnel).With this new reorganization. the personnel branch initiated a number of studies pertaining to its field,to identify on scientific lines the areas that needed immediate attention.Temporary promotions are now subject to the availibility of establishment vacancies,clearance by the promotion boards and final approval of the Chief of Air Staff.The emergence of the personnel branch has been an important development.




Since its establishment, the PAF Record Office had been functioning as part of the Admin. Branch. In february 1994, the Record Office was placed under the Air Secretary Branch and later,during reorganization of Air Headquarters in March 1995,the record office was placed directy under the DCAS (P).The computer section record office was established in 1972.



     of  The



Public Relation


For over two decades, the office of the PRO (Public Relation Office), Air Force costitiued a small detachment of the ISPR (Inter-Service Public Relation),headed by one office.The ISPR detachmnet was given additional manpower and the office was designated as the Directorate has been working to fullfil its mission,which has become more demanding with the ver increasing freedom the press and the growing media awareness in the country.  he Directorate of Public Relation (AIr) has done a commendable job in highlighting the achievements of the PAF during the decade under review.Some of its notable achievements include the popular TV serial "SHAHPAR", the production of video and audio cassettes eulogizing the PAF through music and song,and contributing special supplements in newspapers on the PAF's achievements



     of  The





Most modren airforces depend on sharpening their operational skills,a nd sharpening their operational skills and kepping theforce  ready for its assigned role,on system of inspection that reports directly to air force commander.Air Marshal Asghar Khan had set up the "Inspectorate" with the Chief Inspector as its head, in February 1959.Its mandate was to inspect bases and units and to gauge the progress in the implemnetation of Air HQ policies.The inspectorate general branch has made a significant contribution towards the operational readiness of PAF.It has brought to the fore shortcomings of units and bases in carrying out their wartime roles.It has guided and assisted the commanders in continuously evaluating the performance of their assets.Additionally , the confidence and the ability of PAF personnel has improved over the years,and procedures have been refined to ensure instant response in the emergency.AUDIT INSPECTIONS of bases and units are conducted once every three years.ORI (operational readiness inspection) is an undeclared biannual event undertaken with a warning of seventy-two hours only.Various contigencies cenarios are included in the ORI.The basic emphasis during ORI's is on accessing the combat readiness of bases and air defence units.ACES--assessment of combat effiecency os squadrons,ADEX---air defence excellence competition,Evaluation of exercises........every espect is checked .








The Pakistan Air Force continued with the Royal Air Force system of maintenance concept was adopted, and the US assistance programmes began in the mid-1950's. The AFI 69 of 1959  identifies the maintenance branches of  Pakistan Air force.According to Paragraph 3 of the AFI,the maintenance branch would consist of the following sub-branches

* Maintenance Technical (Engineering)-(MT Engg.)

*Maintenance Technical (Electronics)-(MT Elect.)

*Maintenance Technical( Armament)-(MT Armt.)

* Maintenance Equipment-(Maint. Equip.)

*Maintenance Data Automation-(MDA)


The grooming of cadets and their career development is an important task. .For such a purpose different projects have been raised. their are many cadet colleges for students ,who qualify 7th class get an admission in these cadet colleges.Then after FSC they get selected for ISSB and enter in risalpur academy for the further academic and technical training.They passout from there and send in their particular fields as professionals.


grooming and career development





1. PAF College,Sargodha




2. PAF College,LowerTopa




3. The search for Quality Human Resources




4. Training the Air Warriors




5. Engineer's training (CAE)






6. Training the Backbone Of the PAF--------Its Airmen










PAF College, Sargodah:

The standard of general education in the civil sector leaves much to be desired,therefore the candidates at the time of selection are sometimes deficient in academics, extra-curricular activities ,and leadership qualities.Its pre- cadet training was proved beneficial.All the students of this college have put on an excellent performance at the academy,Risalpur in both GDP andCAE courses.

PAF College,Lower Topa:

The air board meeting held on 16 june 1996. decided that paf intermidiate college, lowertopa be converted into public school by the year 1998.It was to induct cadets onopen merit into the GDP and Engineering branches of the PAF.The PAF college ,lowertopa is situated in the proximity of Murree. In the midst of lofty mountains covered with tall pines trees, the buildings present a magnificent view.The primary aim of the institution is educate and train suitable Pakistani boys for the Intermediate Examination Of Faderal Board Of Intermediate & Secondary Education.(FBISE),Islamabad, in a healthy enviornment.The objective is to mould them into confident and disciplined young men with a strong charater, and qualities of command and leadership.

The Search Of Quality Human Resources

Over the years, the element of risk and uncertainity in the flying career and the sharply declining educational standards,and our recruitment teams find it marely difficult.Rather than being genuinely attracted to the thrills ,most candidates turn out tobe job seekers.Even then the quality of selection is up to its mark.SELECTION STATISTICS: clear the ISSB , Medical fitness (CMB), interviews ..
The selection of airmen is also modernized ,keeping pace with the latest technology,selection of recruits for the aero-technicians and aero-supports group is conducted along scientific lines.The paf has come a long way in establishing a transparent and efficient system of selection and recruitment.
Female officers were 1st inducted into the paf in 1977.Initially ,six femamles psychologist were inducted into the officers,only one of them rose to wing commander rank.the others left after serving ten years.In1993 the paf tok a bold step in recruiting females in all branches except GDP and ADWC.

Training The Air Worriors

Candidates with educational qualification of FSC or equivalent are inducted into the academy for flying training at the college of flying training(CFT).under three years training cadets go through academic and general service training. Successful completion of this process qualifies them to continue their academic training,leading to primary flying training.They fly mashshak, as PFT.As BFT they fly T-37 or K-8.Instructors help them on these training aircrafts.they also trained for para-motor gliding and paratrooping.Fresh cadets of GDP branch from the paf sent to Mianwali for flying fighters FT-5 aircraft.



Engineer's Training

After passing through the pre-entry selection process,anenegineering cadidates joins the paf academy Risalpur for three years.Where there are general service training and BE courses commence simultaneously.The training at the CAE is conductedin six departmentof studies namely,Humanities and science, Avionics Engineering,Aerospace Engineering,Military Science,Industrial enggineering, andProfessional Continuation education.

Training Of The Airmen

There basic training is at kohat .they get the training at the PTTS, all newly undergo trade allocation tests,which basically aim to screen out those who lack the aptitude for adjustment in the paf enviornment.These also aim at awarding a trade that best suit search recruit's aptitude,capacity and ability.The personal selection and research cell(PS&PC).Later they train at ATTS.Then at logistics school (SOL),kohat.Then for advanced traing they are trained at SOE and SOA.School of Electronics and School of Aeronautics.then those who are best qualified are further send to JCO's Academy.


KAMRA : District Attock
WORKS : F-6 Rebuild factory, Mirage rebuild factory, and aircraft manufacturing factory(all at kamra)
     Located approximately midway between islamabad and peshawar.the peshawar aeronautical complex is an organ of the pakistan ministry is collaborating with NAMC in china (which see) in developing anew jet trainer known as the karakorum8 and was discussing in early 1988 with one french and 2 us manufacturers, the possible licence assembly of a light armed utility helicoptor
THE MIRAGE REBUILD FACTORY (MRF) at kamra opened in1978, can accomplishcomplete overhaul of mirage III 5 aircraft.atar 9 Cturbojets and associated components and accessories, and has a current capacity of 8 aircraft and over 30 engines per year .it has recently undertaken the over haul of third country (UAE)mirage III 5s and their 1988 it ws being upgraded to enable it to overhaul the pratt and whitney f100-pw-200 turbofan.the mrf has a site area of some 810,000 m sq (8715000 sq ft) nad workforce of nearly 1,700.
THE AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURING FACTORY came into operation in mid -1981 as license production center for the saab safari supporter two three-seat light aircraft ,which has the pakistani name mushshak(urdu for proficient).progressive assembly of first 90 of these aircraft began in 1976 from semi knocked -down and completely knocked -down kits and it is now being manufactured at kamra from raw materials.By early 1988 about 150 examples of the mshshak were in service with various units of pakistan army and airforce with output continuing at the rate of 15 a year .in mid 1986 work began on installing a more powerful 156.6 kw(210bp)feledyne continental tio-360-mb engine ,resulting in a considerable increase in performance.production tooling was in hand in early 1988 for modifying additional aircraft, with series production expected to begine in december 1988 after us certificate to FAR pt least 100 of the uprated version are said to be required. major facilites at theAMF include equipment to manufacture all GRPcomponents of mashshak engines instruments,electrical equipment and radios are imported but almost all other items are manufactured locally.
THE F-6 REBUILD FACTORY or f-6rf ,was established in 1980 for the primary purpose of overhaul the pakistan air force 's chinese shenyang f-6 aircraft and their air frame accessories .it is authorised to manufacture about 4,000 spares items for that aircraft, and also produces the 1,140 litre (301 us gallon ,250 imp gallon)anxiliary fuel tanks fitted to the f-6 current capacity(1986-87) was for 24 aircraft a year. engines for the f-6 are rebuilt at faisal, a pakistan air force base near karachi .the f-6rf prossesses mordren technical facilities heat treatment .forgoing,casting.non-destrctive testing and other machine tools required to manufacture items from raw materials .the f-6rf has now begun overhaul of pakitan airforce ft-5s,ft-6s and a-5cs. in due course it is expected to assume responsibility for chinese f/ft -7 aircraft in paf service.








Just after the Risalpur training when they pass out ,they get this rank.




Afterpilot officer they are given a new rank which is flying officer .These days cadets direct get this rank rather than starting with pilot officer rank.




Then they lead to higher rank that is squadron leader .




After squadron leader ,they turn out to be wing commander.




Wing commanders are given higher rank when their board occurs they turn out to be group captains.




Mostly it happens that officers get retired at the rank of group captain. Only few reach out for air commodore rank.




Same here only few qualified for this rank




Air marshal 's are usually (4) four who reach out for this rank




Only one is selected for this rank








It includes bases like Peshawar:operational base,Minhas:operational base,Risalpur:flying training, Kohat:airmen training,Chaklala:transport,VIP light command aircrafts.

It includes bases like Lahore:radar operational,Sargodha:operational base,Rafiqui:operational base,Mianwali:flying training and operational base.

It includes bases like Karachi (Faisal:manufacturing deports, Korangi creek:airmen training,Masroor:operational base,Malir:radar),Sumungli:operational base.



we are gathered here to take a look at the family of aircrafts...
who rule the skies all the way and fly through the thunders, 
storms and lightning and succeed due to the amazzing skills
clip_image002[10]of our fighter pilots............

"F 7"
Fighter interceptor /  single seat supersonic fighter 
Max speed (mach)=2.05
Total length (ft)= 47
Service Cieling (ft)=56000
Max Endurance (min)=105
Engine Thrust (kg)=7300
total weight (kg)=900
gun (mm)=30
rocket (mm)=68
bomb (lbs)=500,750
missile=aim 9p

our fighter pilots with  their fighter aircrafts defeat the enemy 
and protect our territory from the invaders...before they reach
our territory.smash them into pieces....blasttttss....and................
clip_image004[10]smaaaaashed the target................
roger sir......."the target has been

multirole fighter aircraft / single seat super fighter interceptor aircraft
max speed (mach)=2.1
total length (ft)=48
service ceiling (ft)=56000
max indurance(min)=180
engine thrust(lbs)=25000
total weight (lbs)=235000
gun (mm)=20
rocket (mm)=
bomb (mm)=500,2000
missile= aim 9p/9l/amg-65

it does'nt matter whether the target is an aircraft or 
a missile reaching our borders territory...they will blast
clip_image006[10]it before it reaches us ....

"F 6" 
fighter interceptor / single seat supersonic fighter
max speed(mach)=1.4
total length( m)=14.64
service ceiling (ft)=57,320
max endurance (min)=85
engine thrust(kg)=2 x 3250
total weight (lbs)=19,274
gun (mm)=30
missile= aim 9p

       fly towards the destination... finding the way through
the core of the clouds and reaching its destiny............. 

"A 5"
attack aircraft / single seat supersonic aircraft
max speed (mach)=1.6
total length (m)=15.695
service cieling (ft)=57750
max indurance (min)=122
engine thrust (kg)=2 x 3250
total weight (kg)=6398
gun (mm)=23
rocket (mm)=68
bomb (mm)=500,750
missile = aim 9p- R550 matra

mirages,"the attacking aircraft"  rule the skies and
surrounds the enemy's flier and attacks it and destroys it.

attacking aircraft / single seat supersonic fighter aircraft
max speed( mach)=2.0
total engine (ft)=49.65
service cieling(ft)= 50000
max indurance (min)=180
engine thrust (lbs)=13000
total weight (lbs)=15230
gun (mm)=30
rocket (mm)=68
bomb(lbs)= 500,750
missile =aim 9p


 Our great poet;  Doctor Allama Iqbal has wrote such poetry 
that every word has a deep meaning and which leads to a particular
matter,thing, or issue and in order to arouse the desire amoung 
the muslims about certain matters and critical issues....... 
 Its really an honour that he said few verses about our flying hawks 
which i would like to qoute here and it would be an honour 
for me too for getting a pleasure of qouting his poetry.
"   Shaheen kubhi parwaz se thuk kar nahi girte
         Purdam hai agar tu, to nahi khutrah raftar    "
"   Pulatna jhupatna ,pulut kar jhapatna
       Laho garrum rukhne ka hai ek bahana  "
"   Kafir ki pehchan keh aafaq main gum hain
        momen ki yeh pehchan kar gum us main hai aafaq   "
"   Waqar e unjuman hum se, faroghe unjuman hum hain
          sukot e shub se pucho, ,subha ki pehle kiran hum hain   "  
"   Shaheedon ka laho wo noor hai hai jis ki bijli se
            Yaqeen affrad ke, komon keh mustuqbil sunwarte hain
  Isse ke tabshon se aasman e fiqar o faroosh par
              Nai subhain bikharti hain, naye suraaj nikalte hain "
"   Khoon ke qatroon se don ga main hissab e zindigi
        Ghazi e islam hai  khoon e shaheedan sur basar  "
             clip_image001                                                       clip_image001

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